Friday, March 11, 2016

Reasons and feeling

If there's a reason of like....

Even your reply is only a line, I am fancy, I kept the screenshot, I hellouuuu, to get your attention. Even though we are just friend, I miss you when we don't meet, I make time for you, if you wanna meet, no matter how tired how sleepy how much work I have.

If there's a reason of hate, not favorable :

I come up with thousands of reasons to reject. In a good way ..
I stomachache 
I too much work
I not feeling well

It's just because I don't feel like meeting. All these over time has changed my feelings may be also your feelings. I care when we were friends, I don't care when you don't care about me anymore.

I don't want a buffet, you guys insist to have one
I don't want anyone bring a plus one, you guys insist to bring one
No respect, then why go? 

Feelings of hurt... Feelings of like...
Reasons come after feelings, no fake, no lies, no joke. This is me, as always with the Chinese sayings "宁为玉碎,不为瓦全" I want a picture perfect, I couldn't accept toleration, because life is short 

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