Monday, June 29, 2009

矣, 有玫瑰花香

隔壁邻居,太富贵了,养了4 只名犬, 种了红,黄,分红,紫色的玫瑰! 开了太多太多。。。
夜深, 等着我喜爱的香港剧集(大唐双龙传)load 着,突然飘来阵阵玫瑰花香。

Sunday, June 28, 2009


其实,魔女她有自己的可悲。很多人,会因为她是魔, 不能胜正,所以,看不起她,贬低她,不敢接触她。 其实,在她心底,是善良的:)

魔女很迷人,箫声很悦耳。 为什么,好人家的女孩吹箫,有人会欣赏?魔女却被人家说她在迷惑男人。


Friday, June 26, 2009


别看我笑得那么的灿烂, 我讨厌古堡, 没有其他的理由, 就仅有讨厌它残酷,无情。
哈, 在还没有踏上爱丁堡古堡之前, 我是个对古堡充满想象的人。 由于,看了一帘幽梦, 内容说着一个邂逅好男人后,豪华奢侈的住进欧洲古堡的女孩。 噢!看完后, 我想象的空间更加扩大了。

结果, 踏进了古堡, 我不喜欢, 因为它残酷。
在一帘幽梦里,紫菱对云帆说:你看,古堡被紧封住,里面有小小的窗户, 外面还有河呢! 里面一定有很多刑具,是用刑用的,被打得偏体鳞伤的犯人, 就从窗口,乎。。。的,丢出去了。”

原本, 我和紫菱的想法是完全相反的, 我以为古堡是幸福的人住的。 结果,现在其实不只是想象, 其实紫菱说的是事实。 因为, 古堡里有prison of war, 是当时军人住的。。。没有欢笑, 只有疗伤, 而在英国占领了苏格兰后, 又是建了一个刑房, 是把苏格兰军人给俘辱的地方。

有啊。。有一个宫廷式的地方, 是小王子出世的地方, 应该是幸福的, 但我又错了。 在他出世不久后, 他父亲就在那儿死了, 是战死的。伤兵把他抬回去古堡里,在mageret 王妃的怀里死的。 不久,mageret 王妃也随着丈夫的死,而哭死去了。伤心吧。。。

更可怕的是, 原来紫菱说的欧洲老太太的游魂在古堡里走来走去会是真的。。。
因为,在爱丁堡古城的那个时代,  king james 自称很会捉女巫的王。结果,好人家的女孩也被他当成女巫,死了,就是欧洲老太太的冤魂。因为那个王太狠了, 他要他的手下用三个条件来断定谁是女巫
B:有三个乳头的女人/女孩---〉因为,第三个乳头是给魔鬼吸的--俗称---devil sucker

捉了之后, 若不承认就会把他们丢在 north lake 里。 若女孩/女人能够浮起来, 便是 巫婆! 若女孩/女人沉在水底就是冤枉的。 天啊! 如果是 冤枉的话, 她沉了,也就死了。 他也不给人家会游泳会浮在水面,而不是巫婆!好了,浮在水面的就会被绑到 古堡外面的一个邢台! 被鞭子鞭,再用火烤。 谁能受得了?哈, 死了。。。可怜的女孩,女巫都死了。 成为古堡里的冤魂!

还有, 紫菱也说, 法国有个路易十几的女儿。噢,是个漂亮的小公主。 有一天,她遇见了很帅气的铁匠! 她爱上了人家。 她父亲, 那个路易十几就把她关进古堡里。过了几十年,她老了, 他还在河的另一方等着她。噢。。。 小公主很可怜。 又是古堡里的悲剧。

还有还有,古堡里的东南西北都放了大炮,机关。 那无能的王就坐在密室里观看东南西北的状况。若情况不妙, 他就会宣战,过后从地道里逃跑。死的伤的也就只是宾和马匹。又是冤魂一大堆,又是惨死冤死。

所以嘛,古堡并不是可人的, 而是一座让人心寒的古堡!

AlexenderIII's queen, Margaret quote:"castle is a sad and solitary place"



我不能够怪爸爸,把它们都给人, 因为,是爸爸妈妈照顾的, 我只搂搂抱抱他们,冲凉是妈妈冲的, 喂食是爸爸喂的, 我只跟它们嬉戏,

从两只丽君给的大白兔, 肥婆 和lengzai, 到把lengzai 给人, 再给肥婆生了一胎, 再有了大概 六个小孩, 那时每一只出生的体重, 从第一天到长毛发,到会走路, 我都细心的观察,还包了个小红包保佑它们快高长大。当中,令我最印象深刻的是大头, 它是当中的大哥哥,可是给了不会养的主人,喂了它吃一肚子的萝卜,死了。谁也没想过兔子小时候是不可以吃萝卜的。其他的, 有的被人领养, 有的被卖了。最后,剩下阿花, 一只跟我很相像的兔子, 是个男生, 它可爱又没有脾气,可是有点笨笨的, 走路很差,常常跌掉, 又不会跳, 爱它爱到疯了, 因为它小时候跌入水沟,差点死了,所以特别的疼爱它。

在阿花成年后, 因为贪心,又想玩玩小兔子, 让肥婆和它生了十只, 那时候,得意了,又是抱它们到学校让朋友玩玩, 又是拿去亲戚家让他们瞧瞧。 这时, 我有一位很漂亮的表姐, 她要了很调皮的两只, 给了她, 跟它说了要喂食, 她忙了, 忘了。 她妈妈可不像我妈妈, 那么不忍, 那么空闲, 帮我照顾小白兔, 噢, 糟了, 一只死了, 另一只,只剩下奄奄一息。
我还记得, 那时是圣诞节, 为什么, 我们可以大火鸡, 大菜大肉的吃喝,而 小白兔在那儿冻死饿死, 可怜。 妈妈抱回了存活的一只, 细心照料, 噢, 长大了,挑皮了, 我们也放心了, 但因为还有太多只兔子, 所以又把它给了卖菜的。 接着的两只(其中一只是啊Y)又给了妈妈的好朋友。 我们就打算养啊花 和肥婆到他们老。。。死。。。

谁知, 妈妈和我不放心啊Y。。。对了, 阿Y的由来, 哈哈, 它是歪头的, 出世时, 它妈妈,也就是肥婆, 她疯了, 痛了, 就把宝宝们乱踢, 踢准的是 啊Y, 结果,它歪了头。 不过很调皮,很会走路, 还会咬人。 妈妈的朋友又不知何故不要养它们了。于是,我们便抱回它们。 我的YY原本很肥很美丽,谁知回来时,像只小老鼠, 不可爱,脏兮兮, 妈妈看了也很 “GELI”,又是细心照顾, 又变回甜美可人, 接着, 那个另一只白兔, 给人了。 最后, 因为肥婆 和阿花 常常搞在一起, 肮脏又臭, 爸爸也将它们给人,仅剩下阿Y。。。多爱它呀。。巧克力,饼干, MILO, 全让它喝呀吃呀!

一天, 爸爸撞下了一只小狗, 是野狗, 现在叫ah sorry, 哈哈。。。因为感到抱歉所取的名字。
妈妈救了它, 养了它。 

一直到最近, 他们是我来伦敦的牺牲品, 因为没人要照顾, 现在, 阿Y和 阿 sorry 没有了,给人了。

阿花, 你是唯一,我考数学时,深知会考不及格, 回家,抱着你哭的。。。
兔兔们, 想你们,狗狗,我也想你。。。

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sailor moon

Gomen ne sunao ja nakute
Yume-no nakanara ieru
Shikou kairo-wa shouto-sunzen
Ima-sugu aitai-yo
Nakitaku naru-yo-na moonlight
Denwa mo dekinai midnight
Datte junjou doushiyou
Haato-wa mangekyou
Tsuki-no hikari-ni michibikare
Nando-mo meguri-au
Seiza-no matataki kazoe uranau koi-no yukue
Onaji kuni-ni umareta-no

Mo-ichi-do futari-de weekend
Kami-sama kanaete happy-end
Genzai-kako-mirai mo
Anata-ni kubittake
Deatta toki-no natsukashii
Manazashi wasurenai
Ikusenman-no hoshi-kara anata-o mitsukerareru
Guuzen mo chansu-ni kaeru ikikata-ga suki-yo

Fushigi-na kiseki kurosushite
Nando-mo meguri-au
Seiza-no matataki kazoe uranau koi-no yukue
Onaji kuni-ni umareta-no
Shinjite-iru-no mirakuru-romansu

"Sorry if I'm not gentle"
I can say that in my dreams.
My thoughts are about to short circuit.
I want to see you, now isn't soon enough.
Just about ready to cry, moonlight,
Can't call, midnight.
Because I'm so naive, what can I do?
My heart is a kaleidoscope!
Led by the moonlight,
Often we meet by chance.
The twinkling count of stars foretells love's whereabouts.
Born on the same planet
Miracle romance

May we have together just one more weekend
O God, please grant us a happy end
In the present, past, and future
I'll always be in love with you
When we first met, that dear
Glance you gave me, I won't forget
From out of the millions of stars, I'll find you.
Changing coincidences into chances, I love this way of life!

A mysterious miracle is headed our way.
Often we meet by chance
The twinkling count of stars foretells love's whereabouts.
Born on the same planet,
Miracle romance.

One thing I still believe in, miracle romance

- i wish, i am the little one...sailor chibi moon...


Itsumo nando demo (always with me)
English version
it's calling out from deep within the heart
I always want to dream cheerful dreams
sadness can never be counted but
I will be able to see you on the other side
every time people repeat mistakes,
they know the blue of the simply blue sky
it seems as if the road continues endlessly but
these hands can find light
the quiet heart when parting
the ear listens as the body changes to zero
living, mysterious, dying, mysterious
the flower, the wind, the city; they're the same
it's calling out from deep within the heart
let's draw out dreams always, numerous times
instead of stating the number of sadness
sing softly with the same lips
even in the closing memories, there are always
whispers that cannot be forgotten
even on the shattered mirror shards,
a new scenery is reflected
the quiet window on the beginning morning
the body that is changing to zero is being pleased
I won't search beyond the sea from now
the shining thing is always here,
it can be found within myself

Japanese version
yondeiru muneno dokoka okude
itsumo kokoro odoru yume wo mitai
kanashimi wa kazoe kirenai keredo
sono mukoude kitto anataniaeru
kurikaesu ayamachi no sonotabi hito wa
tada aoi sora no aosawo shiru
hateshinaku michiwatsuzuite mieru keredo
kono ryoute wa hikariwo idakeru
sayonara no tokino shizukanamune
zeroni narukaradaga mimiwo sumaseru
ikiteiru fushigi shindeiku fushigi
hana mo kaze mo machi mo minnaonaji
yondeiru muneno dokoka okude
itsumo nando demo yumewo egakou
kanashimi no kazuwo iitsuku suyori
onaji kuchibiru de sotto utaou
tojiteiku omoideno sononakani itsumo
wasuretakunai sasayakiwo kiku
kona gonani kudakareta kagami no uenimo
atarashii keshiki ga utsusareru
hajimari no asa(no) shizukana mado
zeroni narukarada mitasarete yuke
umi no kanatani wa mou sagasanai
kagayaku monowa itsumo kokoni
watashi no nakani mitsukeraretakara


第一次的父亲节, 我不在您身边.
您老了, 多照顾自己吧...

edinburgh, scotland

This journey started without any guidance and a little bit of confuse. With some down and moody feeling, i had lan everything on my own with my not well spoken english. This was the time to train myself but yet i dun hav any confidence on my own.

Here, i reached the city of edinburgh, waverly edinburgh railway station. I am lost when i was first stepped out from the train (National railway). Nervous atmosphere had surrounded me, i stepped forward and headed to somewhere without any sense of direction. At last, i found an information centre, i have to plan what to do in scotland for the rest of 4 days . Phew... hoping that the information centre can help me alot but they bring me down all the sudden. Sorry, we don't have any 3 days 2 nights trip package to Highland which fulfil ur requirment.(\i need a tour depart on tues, mostly they started on mon) Sad...sob...disappointed... hungry...tired... Almost all the negative feeling have popped out from my soul and spirit. All researches that i have done at home are useless....

Alright, let us just find a place to stay b4 decide wat to do for tmr... Here, i came to an hostel named castle rock... It is a youth hostel. We get a dormitory room with 16 girls inside the room. Yea.. is a great hostel with free coffee and tea. Alright, time to plan what to do tmr... SHOCK... when i look on my watch ... time is 4.15pm...U might ask:" Wat's the prob with the time 4.15pm?"

Ohh... i haven't take bath and haven't eat my lunch and most importantly all the information centre and tour booking will ended their business on 5pm . This means , if i can't rush for the booking b4 5pm..tmr i will be stayed at edinburgh and wasted one day here without any travel to highland. So, wat should i do? I phone bac to my brother with my helpless voice. At last, we find a tour with " Highland Experience Tour". I haven't see properly the iternary for the trip, i just payed with credit card for that. Rushing to pay, i have regret for a while. However, i went for this trip which is sponsered by ----> my dear brother. So, i thk i should accept every offer from him. I not dare to take any decision on it.

P/s: Weakness: i hav to to make decision on my own....I am alwaz weak in taking decision.

Alright, 2 days at the highland.... fun and relax... only feel a little bit of tireness bcos the journey was too long...

Fun with loch ness, barrack, all the fort... all the glen... all the loch...all the photo taking session.

I get stressed again...bcos i forget to brg camera's battery. Why i alwaz being so forgetful with everythg left in the house? I started to blame my dumb brain...

Back to Edinburgh...Should be quite relaxing and not to worry for the rest of the 2 days.. Who knows, when i first get back to castle rock hostel, " SORRY, there are no rooms provided today... bcos everyone heading to edinburgh to watch OASIS concert....wat the fish!!! this stupid OASIS make me have to sleep on the street for tonight. I walk and walk and find one hostel to another hostel. Who knows: sorry BOHHHH hostel!!!" Hey, me and mommy with our hand full with luggages and full of hungriness. We walk from east end to west end.One more time i have to disturb brother Hong again. I called him with a voice of restless. Pls help me to search online, at the street of edinburgh did it left any hostel rooms? YEA ... is near west end. I found it without any map holded in my hand.Phew...luckily...

        Funny thgs happened in front of me again---->"i have found another railway station named HAYMARKET..." WAT????!!!! How come the small town have 2 railway stations? I stared on my train ticket... EHY...mommy we actually should get back to london with the train started from HAYMARKET and not the ordinary edinburgh waverly station. OHH thank god... thank guanyinma... she told us this by giving us a hint with no rooms in the castle rock hostel.

Alright, the room for this WEST END hostel is cheap but we hav a mixed room sleep with guys and ladies. A bit of uncomfortable but i keep comfort myself... juz stay calm for 2 more days will get back to london.

COOL... as for the last day, we get to the castle with a rush timing and so for the museum of scotland... GOD...mommy was scared of we are not on time for the train... She rushing on the street nearly get knocked by a double decker bus... PRAY>..< luckily, nothing happen to her. We reached HAYMARKET at last... but what u thk will happen next is........this stupid scottish say...sorry madam, ur train is at the main station waverlay edinburgh station... wat the fish again... luckily he let us get in the scottish rail for FOC ...another incident happen... the scottish stupid train delayed.... SONG BOH?

BOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we reach at the waverly staiton on 3.50pm, our train is depart on time 4pm... I open my eyes calmly and look at the sign board... alright, i get the platform number 8... run run run run run run run run.... luckily mommy has stamina... we run together and we jump in the train ...juz nice is coach E...i find the seat and we rest for 2 minutes... the train departs...

tireness and restless....Gratefully, we reach london safely...

I never ever forget this edinburgh trip... is a trip which is not as fun as I think...but is a trip that make me grow and learn....^^

Sunday, June 14, 2009


(naked parade) 是文明还是开放? 还是人权?

Saturday, June 13, 2009


四个版本的流星花园哪个好看呢? 哪个男的比较帅?哪个女的比较美? 哪个系列比较精彩?
14 岁时,我爱看台湾版
又被友人影响, 看了日本版,

都快21 岁了, 我还是抱着少女情怀, 总觉得这些应该不会发生在自己身上。 但是,还是希望它的发生。

每个女孩, 心里应该都会有梦啦。 都希望在自己最绝望沮丧的时候,白马王子出现拉了她一把。

乘着这你青春, 没有人叫你老处女的时候, 去发发梦, 想象一下。

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


哥哥说:我们的夏天就要结束了,温度会降到摄氏15 度,连下雪都会看得到。
爸爸说:我们这里热得很,空气闷热, 我就连日把冷气机从房间搬到客厅里。

世界那么大,那么多不一样, 不公平的事情发生。

我微笑; 他们哭泣。



还是充满酸甜苦辣, 有挑战性的生活?

这个角落我赢了; 那个角落我输了。。。
不要倒下,要勇敢, 要撑着。

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

小时候,老师常要我们写,海边野餐。 我们就会想象成波德申海边。 原来天外有天,人外有人。什么用沙粒组成的海边;一堆黑漆漆的马来小孩跑来跑去, 在那黄黄不透彻的海水里,玩得不亦乐乎, 喊叫声和吵闹声也特别的刺耳。 光着脚丫, 便从沙滩跑上了岸,到了地毯, 脚板还是脏脏,随便用手擦擦,又随手拿着三文治, 放在口里咬着。 有一群穿着深色的TSHIRT 的马来青年, 跳入水里,玩得不亦乐乎,但是为什么会有人穿着长长的衣服, 跳入水呢?场景是多么的不浪漫,不美丽,碍眼。天气,又是热乎乎的, 三十几度,天啊!!! 可是,为什么,我们每一次的作文,却是美丽,经过修饰, 场景迷人,什么海接着天,天连着海。 它们相依相许。啊!

原来,我们的脑袋瓜永远都长存美丽的景色。巴黎岛的海湾, 西方国家美丽的海湾,沙滩旁还会有旋转木马,会有雪糕店,会有海鲜店,会有人弹着吉他, 唱着歌, 在陆地上彩绘,也会有人大方的光着身子洒脱的晒着太阳,大秀身材, 没有什么大不了的。 迎着海风, 我们倒可以嬉戏。小孩喜欢玩泥沙, 喜欢拿着救生圈, 就到海里冲着海浪,也可以牵着父母的手要了一条雪糕,再要棉花糖。 爽吧,美丽吧。偶尔,风还会冷冷的乎乎这我们的脸上, 偶尔,你会感觉到你还在摄氏24 度以下,凉快凉快,轻松自在。

也许,我在东方国家的压力太大了, 每一天,都对着一群很会中文的中国人,学习成绩顶呱呱, 害得我打击太大,付出的像没付出,努力也像没努力,回到自己的国家,那么的不公平,那么的不上进,又是贪污,又是种族歧视, 就没力。 看到别人的国家, 那么的自由,那么的无拘无束, 就只是生活水准太高。 但是,我很仰慕,羡慕,爱慕, 怎么办呢?